Friday, December 21, 2012

We shall be at the City of Pines?

Holy Gardens Memorial Park - A Special Place for Remembering Loved Ones

I was recently visited by a land owner from a nearby town.  She owns a property some 2.5 km from the City of Pines along Naguilan road.  I was visited a day ahead by our agent who brokered the Holy Angels Memorial Park.  The lady recognized me and remembered me that I gave her some favors early on at Holy Gardens Memorial Park Angono.  Her husband died and gave her discount for the use of Holy Gardens chapel  (wow you should really plant your seeds of kindness and they return;  are good karma)

She agrees to a JV and is up to me when to visit the site and make an offer.

Shall we have backers for this project and willing staff to go to this site and be assigned.  We start dreaming having frequent meetings at the City of Pines.   The trip to La Union would now be accompanied by a side trip to Baguio!! Wow.  It is becoming more interesting

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Good weather and ambiance. Baguio is a good place to put up new Holy Gardens Memorial Park...
    Holy Gardens Baguio Memorial Park? Why not?

