Friday, December 21, 2012

The World did not end today, December 21, 21012, Thanks God!

Holy Gardens Memorial Park - A Special Place for Remembering Loved Ones

Despite the movies of the same title, the doomsday shows at the cable tv, the Nostradamus predictions, the world did not end today, December 2l, 2012.  Thanks be to God.  Praise the Lord.  Amen.

What would have happenned if the world ended today?

Really, why did people conclude that the world will end today?

l.  The Mayan calendar which ends today.  It could be that they simply forgot WTDN -  forgot a new calendar continuation.

2.  The volcanic activity or possibility of a gigantic volcanic eruption at Yellowstone National park which scientists predict could be catastrophic

3.  The alignment of the planet, the planet x.  The alignment will cause tremendous gravitational pull which will cause land upheavals:   earthquakes tsunamis etc  (featured in the scary movie of the same title)

However, we should trust the Lord;  no one knows the hour and time to the day.  It will just come in the night like a thief.  It is not the wish of anyone to have the end of the world, but oft repeated phrase is we must live as if if were the last day of your life (scroll No 5 at Og Mandino's book)   We live life to the fullest without regrets.  Love those whom we love, seek forgiveness from those whom we wronged;  do a good deed daily to anyone.  Offer advice, help people in need.  Make no enemies.  Do the best you can.  Be the best you can.

Make the place a better place to live in;  remove pain and suffering.  Be an answer to someone's else prayer.  Be a blessing to someone.  Make someone smile today.

Too much?

At Holy Gardens Memorial park, we make sure that the life lived to its fullest is remembered in a special way.

1 comment:

  1. If you have God, you have everything.
    Have faith and pray. Don't forget to thank Him for all the blessings that you received and for the problems that you encountered for it makes you strong..

    Never keep an ill feelings to anyone.

