Monday, September 5, 2016

Nuggets of wisdom from Not for Bread Alone by Konosuke Matsushita

The #memorial experts

Rizal Philippines
September 5, 2016

Early on in running Unisun Group, we used the words of wisdom from the founder of Matsushita Electric (National Brand)  One of his famous work is Not for Bread Alone which has some of these teachings:

1.  The head leads the tail

We lead by example;  we must do what we ask our people to do.  If we ask people to come early, be the first to come early.  If we ask people to be customer oriented, we must be the first one to do it

We manage by walking around.  We have to visit the branches, the customers, the suppliers, the competitors.

We need to be at the Gemba (at the battlefield of the business - the factory, the sales outlet, the trade show.

The people at the 3ffb and the CMO are the head.  We lead the subordinates the tails.  Leading is influencing (thus the book How to Win Friends and Influence People is important)   On a day to day basis it is 70 30 top down management.   We PLOCC





Check (get reports)Coordinate

2.  When it rains, open the umbrella

We should be action and problem solution oriented.  When there is a problem we attend to this asap.  We spend as much time trying to find the cause (and the blame) the why and in solving the problem.

We are not mere Uzi (sero) watchers of the problem, but we do ad hoc, interim measures to solve the same.

The reality is we allow vehicles to rot, we do not hire when there are vacancies, we fail to prospect when the sales are down, when there customers problem, 3ffb and sbu fail to act on them expeditiously.

We allow tattered and soiled ads to go unrepaired and unreplaced.  We tolerate bad practices and bad personnel be with us.

When there is a problem we act and solve them.

1 comment:

  1. I believe it has a powerful meaning for all of us: "Man shall not live by bread alone,Every one has its own obligation,We are not in this earth to leave on our own sake.
    When its rain open an umbrella. Lets become part of the solution not the problem.

    Helen Naval
    Hr Assistant
