Wednesday, April 16, 2014

What is memorialization and why is it important?

1.  What is memorialization?

It is perpetuating the memories. of deceased loved ones.  It is keeping alive his lifes accomplishment in the minds of people who lived with him/her and whom she/he served.  It is done via structures and events.  For heroes, we build monuments and name buildings, parks and other public places.  That is for younger generation to remember the hero, and his accomplishment and contribution to the nation.

Well that is for heroes. What about the ordinary man?

2. What does memorialization cover:

Love:   his girlfriend, his wife. husband, children, grandchildren, in laws

Laughter -  his hobbies, entertainment, sports, recreation

Labor  -  his schooling, his suffering in life, his work, his profession

Legacy -  his achievements in life, his quotes, his "pabaon" to his heirs

Seen in this life, visiting a wake does not look a fearful and daunting experience.  We need not fear the dead but feel his loving presence with his memories, hence memorialization

3. How is memorialization accomplished?
    1.  Rites  -  prayer, novena, 9th day, 40th day,  death anniversary, requiem mass

    2.  Events  -  viewing tributes, procession, 21 gun salute, epitaph

    3.  Structures  markers, mausoleum, crypts

4.  How is memorialization accomplished/delivered at Holy Gardens Memorial

1.  Most of the rites are done in the house and in the churches or place or worship

2.  Events:

1.  We provide free tarpaulin for the announcement of the dead, which includes the name, birthdate, death

2.  Free on line obituary at the internet,

3.  Electronic tribute  (for deluxe and luxury interments uploaded at You Tube and Daily Motion and archived)

4.  Memory board -  the picture of the deceased on a easel at the viewing for dedication by friends and visitors.  This is given to the family aftewards

5.  Memory display  -  momentoes - clothes, pictures, favorite things, trophies, medals, citations, certificates of the deceased are arranged and disoplayed at the viewing/wake.  Thus we no longer see a lifeless decomposing body, but a living friend, loved one

6,. Balloon tribute  - the picture and prayers of the loved ones on sinamay cloth, borne by several balloons are released during interment

7.  Convoy, convoy ribbon and the tarp in #1

8.  Interment ceremonies complete with flowers, music, epitaph, prayers, high fidelity sound system, dedication and eulogy.  All done amidst tasteful  motif

9  Interment marker;  others build niches and mausoleum at memorial plots, garden or junior, garden estates

10 .  All Saints day celebration  - At Holy Gardens, the grounds are prepared -cr, lighting, leasing of spaces for food service providers, traffic, security are made to make the yearly memorialization of the departed loved ones safe, peaceful and enjoyable.  Sacred and worthy of the memory of the loved one

Some say that memorialization in a memorial park just like Holy Gardens could be expensive.

"Pag para sa mahal, tunay na mahal"

The expenses we incur now, which people say are pricey, could not compare or equal to the love and devotion that our loved ones bestowed on us. For children, parents spent millions to make us grow and be educated.  A memorial park and the service that goes with it is a but small fraction of their expenses on us.  It may even be very miniscule compared to MDs professional and hospital bills

These are a lot of tributes for life.  Memories must live forever

At Holy Gardens Memorial Park (Group) and through its Holy Gardens Memorial Package

5.  Why do you need to own one now?  Holy Gardens Memorial Park lot or Memorial Package

    1.  You do not not know the time and hour of the day

    2 .  All that lives and is born grow and ends.  It will happen to any one.  It is invevitable

    3.  Buy now when price is low.  Somehow, people see the need and when they buy, supply runs out and the price goes up astronomically.  You can flip the plot when you are in need or use it as collateral for loan at Majorem Lending

    4.  For a small downpayment and amount, you can acquire a lot now.  Why don't you?

    5 You worked hard all these years.  You deserve this.  This is a real need. To be remembered when we are gone in a beautiful way.  Only at Holy Gardens Memorial Park


    Call or see us now. Or ask for one of our Sales Execs


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