Holy Gardens Memorial Park - A Special Place for Remembering Loved Ones
The following pictures have been posted at Holy Gardens Group pages. This is in San Carlos Hts. Binanagonan Rizal and was slowly put up by the Juan family. According to Toti, the Chapel, the Pieta, Michael the Arcangel, Sacred Heart of Jesus, 10 commandments, 4 o clock habit, the benches, the rosary, way of the cross, did not cost that much.The chapel included would be only 2 m.
I have discussed with our Joint Venture partner that we will do a study for the the Holy Gardens Greenhills so that we can utilize the rear of the property. The improvements can draw traffic and be one of the attractions in the area and Calamba City. I hope this will be approved.
We can do this over a two year period.
I pray we can do this
The following pictures have been posted at Holy Gardens Group pages. This is in San Carlos Hts. Binanagonan Rizal and was slowly put up by the Juan family. According to Toti, the Chapel, the Pieta, Michael the Arcangel, Sacred Heart of Jesus, 10 commandments, 4 o clock habit, the benches, the rosary, way of the cross, did not cost that much.The chapel included would be only 2 m.
I have discussed with our Joint Venture partner that we will do a study for the the Holy Gardens Greenhills so that we can utilize the rear of the property. The improvements can draw traffic and be one of the attractions in the area and Calamba City. I hope this will be approved.
We can do this over a two year period.
I pray we can do this

Putting up a nice structure like this in HGGMP can attract more customers and will definitely highlight our memorial park. This can improve marketing of HGGMP.