Sunday, July 27, 2014

Week 30: Holy Gardens Oton Memorial Park Best Pictures

Getting higher and stronger

Thank you cards surrounded with calachuche flowers 

Pink roses for our dear departed loved one

Interment set-up for Auntie Taleng

Unique creation emphasizing the HGOMP logo

The Holy Gardens Oton Topiary

Wide main road of Holy Gardens Oton

Green lawns at Lawn3 

Balloon tribute 

Entrance right wing

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Week 30: Holy Gardens Calapan Memorial Park Weekly Best Pictures

Getting higher and stronger

Tripping with Mr. Perseus Javier
fresh from Canada,His 1st time visit at HGCMP- G.E lot owner

Our set of Token for Gratitude

New Motif design and interment set up

Balloon Tribute 

Jessie de chavez  received her commission

Ms. Elsa Macarandang happy to received her Card from HG and Her commission from her SSN sale

Rewards Points for Sales and Services under BVO

New Chair motif and design

Complete set of Token for Gratitude
Guest Sign Frame, Photo Frame, thank you card, and Candles

Visit Also:

Memorial Gems

For details and information
just click the link below

Holy Gardens Memorial Package

Week 30: Holy Gardens La Union Memorial Park Weekly Best Pictures

Getting higher and stronger

Sps. Jessie Mamaril and Jocelyn Mamaril happily received their documents

Know more about our products and services

Mr. Padilla, our new lot owner

Personalized gift items and memorabilia for passed away loved one

Visit our fan page at:

Our unique interment set-up

Our ever-pride balloon tribute

Visit also: Memorial Gems

Well-maintained Holy Gardens Chapel

Great landscaping in front of the chapel

Hotel standard CR at Holy Gardens La Union Chapel

Green lawns at Holy Gardens La Union

Join our growing team! Visit us at:

Week 30: Holy Gardens Pangasinan's Best Pictures

Getting higher and stronger

With agents, Mrs. Priscilla Garcia and Ms. Loida Arrojo celebrate with our staff birthday blow out

The bereaved family unitedly formed a big circle before the flying of balloons

Relatives and friends of the late Teresita Samera

Garden motif 

Memorial tokens in memory of Nanay Makring

Our vertical gardens at the entrance

Wide hallways and roads inside the park

The entrance

Holy Gardens signage

Our unique gift to one of our Top 50 clients

A unique marker at Lawn 5

A real garden of peace and serenity
